Why You're Panicking and What to do Instead
As we in South Africa head into a necessary 21 Day Lockdown, it’s hard not to feel troubled. We’ve all seen the images of empty shelves...
Social Distancing and Your Brain
As Covid-19 continues to spread worldwide, those of us who can are practicing social distancing. This means working from home and...
Neuromarketing's Role in Fintech Adoption vs Traditional Branch Banking
Fintech is an increasingly common word in our everyday lexicon. The debate now is whether Fintech is replacing or strengthening...
The Psychology of Finance - How to win clients and influence investors
Waiting for your baggage at the airport is the worst. For a while Houston airport tried everything to reduce complaints about waiting...
Your Brain on Money - Winning and Losing
In a world full of skyscrapers, smartphones, and spirulina smoothies, it’s hard to remember that humans are animals. That is, until it...
The Neuroscience of Brand Tribes and How to Build Them
Do you find yourself automatically defending certain brands? Do you get annoyed if someone praises a brand you don’t like? Welcome to the tr
What is Social Commerce and is it Living Up to the Hype?
Imagine: you’re scrolling Instagram when you find a pair of Nike sneakers that you absolutely love. You decide to go look for them on the...
eCommerce in Southern Africa is Just Taking Off and Neuromarketing Can Help
When prompted to think of hot spots for eCommerce, Sub-Saharan Africa probably isn’t your first thought. However, it is currently the...
Should You Offer Cryptocurrency as an Online Payment Option?
Cryptocurrency has been rising in popularity over the last couple of years, especially in South Africa. Recent research has shown that...
How Augmented Reality is Changing E-Commerce for the Better
Shopping online is great. Who doesn’t love the convenience of being able to buy almost anything they need and having it delivered to...